untitled (slow)
untitled (slow) is about overlaps – formally regarding the creation of the soundscape and the visual, as well as thematically: the overlaps that occur in life and that defy our control. Social excessive demands and solitude, self-criticism and foreign claims, material necessities and spiritual quests. Taking its initial inspiration from text fragments of Virginia Woolf’s “The Waves“, both video (by Stefanie Walk) and audio were created through associative processes and the excessive use of electronic processing of the sound and visual means like cross-fading, blurring and haziness, inversion and speed changing. Both visual and sonic part each artistically translated the idea of “overlaps“ into an atmosphere of immaterialness, surrealism, constant movement and transformation.
In support of this idea the reworked version of the installation featured the video being projected on acrylic glass hanging from the ceiling, making the image appear as floating in the room.
Concept, music and multichannel sound mix by Jana Irmert
Video by Stefanie Walk
nominated for the European Soundart Award / Internationale Marler Medienkunst-Preise 2016